I think you hitt the point there Matty, i think it not so good to go out in public, try to solv this inside is more aceptebel,i try this whay. But if this SSmen inn the topp are continuing this golgata for them selfs it is tragick, anda prof of that satan has afoot in, as widh some of the kings in Israel, who putt trong burdens on there peopel, perhaps someone can tell who is the topp man , is it jaracaz,
or is it someone els.
We as are inside feel something is wrong, at least widh the dfd thing, who they draw to ther one end battel i think.
happy man
JoinedPosts by happy man
JW response to CNN article
by dubla ini just showed the (bill bowen) cnn article to my father(active jw), and he started defending the jws before he even finished reading it.
why are they always so averse to looking at possible flaws?
its frustrating to see them constantly defending the faith, blindly.
happy man
Silentlambs:Response from JW re: pedophile issue:
by stocwach inhere is a response from a dub whom i emailed the press link from the courier journal yesterday (i will be meeting with him in a couple weeks, so any comments/rebuttals from you would be greatly appreciated):.
"wasn't dateline successfully sued by gm for their doctored report on the (as.
dateline called it the exploding gm pick-up truck controversy) fuel tank.
happy man
Red horse whomen.
You say, Not one JW who has responded to this matter sees any need for change within the organization. In every case, they point to "imperfection" of the molester, and they try to put the blame on the victim.
there you are wrong, ofcourse i as ongoing JW see the wrong thing here, if children is hurt, if this have benn comen, then jehova will punisch this who is behind this, bee sure of that.
If it comes from Gb, i dont now, but if so they akt like kings in israel who dont follow jehovas law, and what hapend to them?I dont think Jehova is so happy abaout this dfd,thing,and whow this things have ben used in a wrong way i some cases.
So perhaps we have some wolfs inn the topp, and iff, they have been put in thear by the devil. Wait and see, jehova will take careof this things hes way.perhaps he use Bill, Bowen and our friend Amaizing, who nows? -
Will silentlambs Be DF???
by silentlambs inwell now we have it, what appears to be the pre-emptive strike from wt.. as of this friday three families who appeared on the dateline program have been informed judicial committees have been setup with a one week notice and it is alleged that they have been causing "divisions" within the organization.
i got my letter today, barbara anderson got hers yesterday and the other family earlier this week.. if you were a pr firm would you think it to be a good idea or a bad idea to df everyone a couple of weeks before the dateline program airs?
what do you think the american public will think of such a move?.
happy man
hillary steep.
I think you forget soething here thw internet, as an former elder and only 2 years ago and on going JW in sweden i think the man inn the topp must understand this new media, are they doing this?
they can not anymore doing things inn the dark evryone now it inn a moment,asspecaly if it is wrongdoing.
I ask for exampel my friend the Presiding elder,if they in Swedenhade any info abaout NGO, answer was he dont no what I was talking abauot.
If the society dont ell things like this to all elder itmust be problems, my son atacks me evry day widh this info from intenret , and I must check it,so must more peopel do.
So I think hillary that it is new times,and exaiting times, if the bigg boys dontunderstan this it will be problems,and I think we alrdeddy see some in less peopel inn metings, here it is like thisand my reading here show it is the same all over the western word. -
How much longer?
by JeffT ini had this thought while reading the co visit thread, and decided to make it a separate topic.. how much longer can they keep beating the slaves before there is a rebellion?
it is obvious that the trickle of people that are leaving is growing, and growing enough to make them worried.
at some point it may become a flood.
happy man
And what was the leing hee told you, forget to tell it?
I have listen to this talk, and it could beintrresting to hear what he hadeto say, so please ,what was hes lies? -
How do JW's get reinstated?
by Sally ini have a friend that was df'd last year.
he hasn't committed the "sin" in a year and doesn't plan on doing it again either.
he has been very strong and wants to get reinstated.
happy man
Well I live inn Sweden,and here is it not comen that JW use alcohol.
A mather of fackt it is a bigg sinn, if you gett drunk, never forget first time I was in US, it was 1969,(Wonderfull times 21)and the man where we live, ask if I want something to drink,o yes, i was wery thursty ,and ,man he gett me some thing who make mee so bad i coudnt get upp from my chair,this was the first time i have a so calld drink,i think it was lemonade,ther you see the cultur of liqure in sweden. -
How do JW's get reinstated?
by Sally ini have a friend that was df'd last year.
he hasn't committed the "sin" in a year and doesn't plan on doing it again either.
he has been very strong and wants to get reinstated.
happy man
I think I am unusual on this bord, as on going JW, qit as an elder for only 2 years ago, so i can give you the answer on this, perhaps this is NEWS for peopel, here, or a scoop if you want.
I was on spec eldermeting in 1999, and it was 2 days and the tema was ,and listen carfully, we must be harder when it comes to DFD, we have been to week and to mercy,if a person get drunk and some see him hee must be dfd,for exampel, no talking of mercy and love.
And second they give the elders littel punishment for we have being to kind and reinstated them to fast, they say it must go at least one year, no wrong if they have to wait 2 year, this is the answer to your qestion, the elders have a addvise to wait and see if they realy want to bee jw again,it is like a bigg proof. I dont like this new thing and think this was a proof on that we have wolfs inn our leadership,i am waiting on jehova to take care of this, so i am still JW.
I can tell you that one of my children was dfd,for minor thing and ask 6 times to be reinstated, and after almost 2 year they say yes, he is now a wery happy JW and told mee today he was going on the strets of Stockholm and talk to peopel 5 ours abaout the kingdom, and he was happy abaout it.
this was my story. -
Yet ANOTHER JW Urban Legend
by NikL ingot this one today.... i got this from a sister in our hall, it show's when we have that gut feeling to go back to a door we were just at to follow that feeling!
i hope you enjoy it.
we enjoyed this experience and you will probably enjoy it as well.
happy man
Something come to mee when i read this, I listen to some XJW testomony ,who have been born again christians, it was a former Co wife,who tell that her child have a bad disice, and she was praying to jesus,and the child was heeld, it was a mirakel,she says,and it was beaucause she have faith, when some ask abauot all other children in the hospital and why they dont have this miracel,she says ONLY I HAVE THE FAITH. I must realy say , this is a very egoistic ,and this story prof that our lord dont pic peopel like oranges ,and help some, and not others,ofcourse he can give us trust and comfort, but who am I, if i must bee cuerd from a disise, when so many man and woman are realy sufring today ,and much more than I never can.
New born Christians
by happy man ini have read that not so few xjw going in to this,whats this religion , for mee it sound realy misch, masch.
as jw we are fare from this belive i think, or have i miss something.
happy man
I have read that not so few XJW going in to this,whats this religion , for mee it sound realy misch, masch. As JW we are fare from this belive i think, or have I miss something.
World Cup Watchers Sign In Please!
by Englishman inhttp://fifaworldcup.yahoo.com/en/t/s/g.html .
england won't find it easy against argentina or sweden.
nor will the usa have an easy time against portugal although they have a good chance against poland and should be able to demolish the koreans.. who else is going to be glued to the telly?.
happy man
hello E.
Who abauot Sven jurking around widh Ulrika, i heard that the crowd shouting UUUULrika when he was on Man United fight.
Tuff to bee sweed in england, i was reding in a newspaper here that he i leving england beaucause this terribel noice from the press, what du yopu think,
AAAND Sweden - England 2-1 sorry
But i think argentina and nigeria will bee winner in this group, more fantasy , sweden and England is to sterotypic.
greatings from sweden, -
lager , lager , lager.
by sleepy inso what do you drink, where and how?.
of course in britian we drink our pints down the pub.. i have to laught when i'm in europe as they only drink tiny glasses of beer , when you ask for their equivalent of a pint they look at you as if you are some nut case.. anyway i usually get through a couple of bottles of wine and several pints of larger a week.i drink most nights but not too much.. is it true that the legal age for alcohol is 21 in the states?.
i remember celabrating my baptism at 17 with a few pints in the pub.
happy man
here in Sweden we drink MILK.